Thursday 24 May 2012

We are legion

It is the second day of the conference now. We have known each other better, and the discussions have been very productive and useful. We are sure that everyone of us will bring lots of ideas to your home country and home city. And it is important as you are young ambassadors of change in your own university.
Opening the conference yesterday May, 24th, the Vice-President of Malmo university student union Mithun Manojkumar cited the words of Ban Ki-moon, who said that ‘students can play a vital role in mobilizing action on global issues’.

Mithun admitted that in light of a modern constantly changing world, ‘there exists a need for platforms to cater to students’ development and grooming. Student’s influence and student important issues vary from country to country. “In Sweden, the gravity of student’s influence is of a strikingly paramount nature”, said Mithun, “When I first arrived at Sweden 3 years ago, I did not fathom the true significance of such influence. The fact that every decision, undertaken within a learning institute requires the participation of student’s representatives reflects a zenith of a globalized democracy”. According to him the project has come into being particularly in Malmo, Sweden, because student’s influence here ‘is at its peak’. The conference got invaluable support from the university, the municipality, the region and the various corporations.

We, as the students participating in the conference, acknowledge that it is within the area of our responsibility to advocate and augment this vision of a global student democracy.  “We have a choice”, said Mithun, “whether to lead a functional union in complacency, or to challenge Fate for another throw, to make extraordinary achievements”.

To conclude his speech Mithun said: “With so many unions existing throughout the world - each with its own unique modus operandi – we should put a greater emphasis on collaboration. Are we not indivisible? As long as a single one of us stands, we are legion.”


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